Thursday, October 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Dan and Becky (and Kim and Luke's First Pinata)

We have entered the birthday blast weeks. 
We have 4 birthdays in 3 weeks.  Dan and Becky's birthdays are one day apart. 
Beautiful Becky celebrated her 26th birthday.
Dan is celebrating his 22nd birthday...He was born one day before Becky.  Becky was not so thrilled to receive Dan as her birthday present when she was 4 years old.  (She also received various hospital soaps and lotions)
Not many 22 and 26 year old get to have a piñata to help celebrate their birthday.
Gracie-13 next week-and the piñata zip tied to the broom handle.
But when we were out shopping yesterday for dinner supplies and balloons, poor Luke and Kim mentioned that they had never, ever, experienced hitting a piñata.  I thought about it and realized that this was true.  They had been denied a vital piece of childhood.
So, wonderful sister Amy purchased a piñata and the candy to fill it. 
These kids are crazy...they all got into smashing the piñata.
And if you notice, we are using the bottom section of Pat's crutch for a "whacking stick".
Dan, getting ready to be blind folded (a pillow case) by his father (who was a very good sport with the unexpected chaos)
Grown children had to kneel down when they whacked, especially since Dan can't even stand under the ceiling fan without hitting his head.
26 years old and having her turn at the piñata---Becky
Way to go, Becky!
Daddy giving Luke instructions.
Mark's cheating!

The final whack.  Poor Kim and Luke didn't know they were supposed to dive for the candy...they were surprised when we told them this fact mid-whacking. And if you notice, poor Kimmy didn't know she could remove her blindfold once the piñata broke. 
This was fun.
Yes, I had a migraine the next morning, stayed in bed until 10 o'clock, and then knit for the rest of the day.  I may be getting too old for all the fun!

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